Spiritual Healing
Ruqya Services Payment and Refund Policy
Must Read Befor Booking your Appointment
*As of January 25th, 2025, we change the payment instructions! Clients will pay 50% online when booking the appointment and the remaining 50% will be cash at the time of appointment.
* You may cancel your appointment for a refund 72 hours prior to your appointment time. Please note there is no refund if the appointment is canceled under the 72-hour cancellation period.
* For rescheduling, you must do it no less than 48 hours prior to your appointment time to be granted not to lose your appointment and your money.
** Please be advised that there is a 5-minute grace period. If arrival is later for more than 10 minutes, this will result in time deducted from your session. If late for an additional 10 minutes from your session time (totalling anything more than 15 minutes), you must reschedule, and note; that no refund will be provided. Please arrive on time.
Jzakom ALLAHU Khier.